Anuncio ID: #812976
Publicado el: 15-10-2020
Ver anuncios de Mariel Cruz


mariel cruz
400.00 $


Job Requirements of the Sales Assistant:
* 4 Year Degree is required in Business/Finance
* 2 years proven experience in similar roles
* Experience in Project management
* Excellent English
* Able to do proper research on financial related topics
* Experience with financial projections

A great sales assistant will have the following Personal Characteristics:
* Organized and able to help others get organized
* Desire to learn, and ability to do so.
* Excellent organizational and time management skills
* Drive, ambition and an entrepreneur mindset
* Ability to change communication style to fit the situation and audience; relatability is key!
* Strong customer service skills
* Ability to adapt as the external environment or organization evolves
* Able to manage others and fol
