
We are creating a network of some highly targeted niche blog magazines covering travel-related topics. We are looking for freelance writers who are interested to share their passion and write practical and inspiring web articles about life, travel, work, studies, people, culture for specific regions and cities around the world. JOB PROFILE: We need 10-20 articles per topic at the start and 2-4 new articles per month. The length of the articles can vary but in average will be around 500 words. Topics shall spread over different categories, the content should not expire and should contain more life experience than dry facts. We also need royality-free photos for each article which can also be sourced from microstock photo agencies or provided by the writers. AVAILABLE TOPICS: The blog writer will cover the following subjects of Isla de Pascua to provide valuable information to our readership: - Expatriate Life - Taxation for Foreigners - Relocation Advice - Travel Experience - Job Hunting Advice - Studying Abroad - Learning another language - Nightlife & Entertainment - Top Sightseeing Attractions - Local People and Culture - Finding an Internship Abroad - Highschool exchange program WRITER REQUIREMENTS: - English Language (German also welcome) - Quality original writing free of spelling and grammar mistakes - Ability to complete projects on time - Thorough knowledge of the region by being an expatriate, exchange student, traveller, emigrant, etc. - Knowledge of Web, Blogs, Social Marketing and SEO a plus Please contact us at Please send us your CV, references, sample writings and your price per article and whether you are able to provide image material as well. State in particular your real life experience in respect to the selected region Isla de Pascua .

Anuncio ID: #530255
Publicado el: 11-08-2009
Ver anuncios de infopivian


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